41 cards to raise more inclusive awareness

The Diversity Fresco is a collective intelligence workshop that allows participants to experiment with the cognitive mechanisms at work when it comes to discrimination, to discover approaches aimed at reducing it, to debate their scope and their limits, while acquiring a common vocabulary to engage in constructive dialogue and bring about a more inclusive and peaceful society.

Disability, gender, ethnic origin, social background, religious belief, sexual orientation… Many are the causes of discrimination that still prevent millions of individuals from finding housing, employment, or compensation in line with their skills. Their place in our democratic societies, which nonetheless advocate the principle of equality, is thus seriously questioned.
These injustices not only result in frustration, anger, self-hatred, and animosity towards others but also a significant loss of talent. It’s estimated that these losses reach 400 billion dollars worldwide. These inequalities also serve as a breeding ground for social violence that undermines our democracies.
However, these discriminations stemming from stereotypes of which we are often unaware concern us all. No one is exempt. It is therefore urgent to become aware of the cognitive biases at play in matters of discrimination. And this is precisely the goal of the Diversity Mural.
The Diversity Mural was co-created by Belugames and ESSEC Business School as part of its ecological and social transition. It enables not only students but also teachers and companies, to share a common knowledge base validated by the academic expertise of Junko Takagi, Professor and holder of the Leadership & Diversity Chair at ESSEC, and from research in cognitive sciences and social psychology. It represents the first step in a process aimed at building a more inclusive and peaceful society. The Diversity Fresco aspires to be to social challenges what the Climate Mural is to climate challenges!
How it works
The Diversity Fresco is an awareness tool that effectively raises awareness and questions about issues of discrimination and inclusion within organizations. Inspired by the Climate Fresco, it takes the form of a collective intelligence workshop bringing together about ten people and a facilitator.
1 trained person
10 to 16 people
3 hours
Workshop format
In-person and remote
41 concept cards
The workshop is based on a set of concept cards, supports for discussion and debate, where the group must collectively create a logical process.
The cards are successively distributed in lots, each introduced by a mini-game, allowing participants to become familiar with the concepts addressed on the cards to be discovered.
Each stage of the workshop is debriefed by the facilitator.
If you wish to train for facilitation, please consult the Q&A section.

A verified and validated workshop
They’ve experienced the Diversity Fresco
What the participants thought
You’re part of a company, an association, a public institution or a higher education institution, and you’d like to know more about this workshop?
You can leave your contact information below and we’ll get back to you soon!